Sarah Engel’s son is a sleepwalker

Concerns about Alessio: Sarah Engel’s son sleepwalks

Singer Sarah Engels posts regularly in her Instagram story

© Henning Kaiser / DPA

Sarah Engels has short nights because of her newborn baby. But now there is another problem that keeps her from sleeping. She revealed on Instagram why she now even has to lock doors

Sarah Engels is currently having pretty restless nights. And it’s not just about Baby Solea. In a question and answer session on Instagram, she now answered questions about the sleeping behavior of her now six-year-old son Alessio.

He now spends most of his nights in his own bed, only sometimes he comes to her bedroom at night. But that is also perfectly fine. But one thing really worries her: Alessio has become a sleepwalker.

Sarah Engels: Son Alessio is a sleepwalker

Recently she observed something that really made her panic. Alessio was sitting in his bed with his eyes open. But he was unresponsive and appeared to be in a deep sleep. She then put it down again, but still thought it was creepy. That’s why the 29-year-old now wants to lock the doors. That’s what she read when she did a Google search on the subject.

The Federal Center for Health Education writes on its website about sleepwalking in children: “Sleepwalking is usually harmless. In most cases, it decreases with age and disappears completely by puberty.”

Sarah Engels now has 1.8 million subscribers on Instagram. She became known through her participation in the format “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. In the 8th season in 2011 she was in the final with Pietro Lombardi and finished second. They later married and became parents to son Alessio.

After the divorce, she met footballer Julian Büscher, the father of her baby girl Solea Liana. The couple married in May 2021 and have chosen the surname Engels. Baby Solea was born on December 2, 2021.

Sources: Federal Center for Health Education, Instagram

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