Sarah Engels: Breastfeeding “works much better”

Sarah Engels
Breastfeeding works “a lot better”

Sarah Engels, here just a few weeks before the birth of her daughter.

© imago images / Sven Simon

After initial problems with breastfeeding, everything is now “much better” for Sarah Engels and daughter Solea Liana.

At the beginning of December, Sarah Engels (29) gave birth to her second child. A few days after the birth of little Solea Liana, the singer said that, among other things, breastfeeding did not really work out. That has now improved as the 29-year-old explains in her Instagram Stories.

“Breastfeeding is already working much better, which is particularly helpful at night,” wrote Engels when asked by a user who recently became a mother herself and wanted to know how the singer deals with the issue of fatigue. Sometimes Solea Liana sleeps three to four hours, but tiredness is “still a difficult subject”. If there is no other way, as a mom you just have to take 20 minutes to “power napping”.

Your nights were “sleepless” at first

Although she is “just experiencing the most beautiful gift on earth, it sometimes gets on her nerves,” said Engels in another story in December. It is very exhausting, because the nights are “sleepless”, her chest hurts and “everything does not work so well with breastfeeding”. Nevertheless, Engels sees himself as “the happiest mom in the world”.

The singer also has her son Alessio (6), who comes from a previous marriage to Pietro Lombardi (29). In May 2021 she married her current husband Julian (28), with whom she had their daughter.


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