Sanofi president calls for vaccination without waiting for vaccine

Did you plan to wait for Sanofi’s French vaccine against Covid-19 to be on the market to take the plunge? Olivier Bogillot, president of Sanofi France, has a message for you: “Don’t wait to get vaccinated! “

Monday August 9, on LinkedIn, the head of the pharmaceutical group, unexpectedly pleaded for the vaccines already available (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson): “I hear some people say that they prefer to wait for the vaccine from Sanofi to be vaccinated . I thank those who trust Sanofi but our vaccine will not arrive for several months. Waiting only increases the risk and prolongs the circulation of the virus. “

“Now is the time to get vaccinated!” “

“Vaccines authorized by health authorities are safe and effective. They save lives, spare serious consequences [du] Covid-19, and slow down its circulation. They also protect hospitals from a new wave of avoidable hospitalizations, which allows them, let us not forget, to focus on non-Covid-19 patients who require care, ”said Olivier Bogillot, while hospitalizations linked to Covid-19 are on the rise in France.

And the president of Sanofi France concluded: “The coming weeks will be decisive for the start of the September school year. We all want to get out of this crisis, so I tell you in responsibility, do not wait, now is the time to get vaccinated! “

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