Sandrine Rousseau excluded from Yannick Jadot’s campaign team

Sandrine Rousseau was expelled from Yannick Jadot’s campaign team on Thursday for vitriolic remarks on the ecologist’s strategy reported by The Parisianthe campaign manager said in a statement.

This article “illustrates his choices to make a personal expression prevail over the collective”, believes Mounir Satouri. “We take note of his decision. Sandrine Rousseau therefore no longer assumes responsibilities within the environmental campaign, ”he adds. “She no longer chairs the political council, she is no longer the candidate’s special adviser,” he told AFP, listing the key positions that the cantor of “eco-feminism” occupied on the paper.

Sandrine Rousseau formally denied to AFP the remarks reported by The Parisian. This incident hits a campaign that has been struggling to take off for many months. The polls currently give Yannick Jadot between 5 and 6.5% of the voting intentions, far from the second round but also from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, given above 10%.

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