Sandra: Singer plans to release new music

Singer plans to release new music

Sandra will play in the USA in the summer and will also give two concerts in Germany in 2022.

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Your last album is a good ten years old. Now Sandra announces that she is working on new music. Before the release it goes on tour.

Sandra (59) celebrates her 60th birthday on May 18th. The singer, who became known with hits like “Maria Magdalena” and was particularly successful in Germany in the 1980s and 1990s, already has a gift for her fans. “There are plans to release new music in the next year or two,” Sandra announced in an interview with “Bild am Sonntag”.

The singer’s last album “Stay in Touch” was released almost ten years ago. Then in the summer of 2016 came another compilation entitled “The Very Best Of Sandra”.

From New York to Dusseldorf

Sandra is going on tour this year. She plays with modern-talking legend Thomas Anders (59) in the USA. “I’m incredibly proud that this tour is taking place,” she told the Sunday newspaper. “America is still a special country for a musician.” Lists on their homepage among other things, appearances planned for August in New York, Houston or Los Angeles.

Then it’s back to Europe. And German fans can also be happy. At least two local shows are currently planned – on October 31 in Dortmund and on November 12 in Düsseldorf.

In the interview, Sandra also remembers the past. “Back then there were no cell phones, no internet. You had to travel all over the world to be successful, appear on TV shows to be known at all.” She also did this. Everything is different today, it’s “about followers and likes on Instagram or Facebook”.


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