Sandra Bullock settles with “Speed ​​2”: “I’m still ashamed”

Movie doesn’t make sense
Sandra Bullock on “Speed ​​2” – “I’m still ashamed”

Sandra Bullock even received a “Worst Actress” nomination for her role in “Speed ​​2”

© Image Press Agency / Picture Alliance

Keanu Reeves decided against the sequel at the time. Not Sandra Bullock. And the actress still regrets that today.

Oscar winner Sandra Bullock (“Blind Side”) is still uncomfortable with her participation in the film “Speed ​​2”. “It’s one I wish I hadn’t made, and no fans I know of have ever made friends with it,” the 57-year-old told TooFab.

Sandra Bullock received a ‘Worst Actress’ nomination

“I’m still ashamed.” The film just doesn’t make sense: “A slow boat that’s gradually approaching an island.” “Speed ​​2” from 1997 is the sequel to the blockbuster “Speed”, which had celebrated great success three years earlier.

Keanu Reeves, who starred alongside Bullock in the prequel, was not involved in the sequel. “Speed ​​2” received the Hollywood “Golden Raspberry” award for “worst sequel” and Bullock received a nomination for “worst leading actress”.


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