Sanches and Bamba uncertain for the Champions League

Uncertainty reigns. While Losc receives Salzburg on Tuesday (9 p.m.) in an ultra important Champions League match, the northern club could well be lessened. Already deprived of Jonathan Ikoné and Benjamin André, both suspended, Lille is not sure of being able to count on Renato Sanches and Jonathan Bamba. Respectively injured in the adductor and ankle, the two players had not made the trip to Ligue 1 Friday in Monaco (2-2).

Final decision Tuesday morning

If they trained well with the group on Monday at the Luchin area, the Losc training center, not sure that this is enough to hold their place on Tuesday evening. ” We do not know yet. All the staff have done a lot of work with the players to get them back. We have to be careful. We will make a real point tomorrow (Tuesday morning) to be fixed and be fully ready, ”explains Jocelyn Gourvennec the Lille coach. In the absence of the two players, Amadou Onana should replace Renato Sanches in the middle and Timothy Weah replace Bamba in the left lane.

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