Samu Haber: A special gift for a fan

Samu Haber
Special gift for a fan

Samu Haber thanks the universe for his “craziness”.

© imago/Future Image

Samu Haber gave a fan a gift and sang at his wedding. On Instagram he explains how the performance came about.

Samu Haber (45) has in an Instagram post reveal that he spontaneously acted as a wedding singer for a fan. When he posted his new single cover last Wednesday, said fan commented that he could come to his wedding this Saturday to rehearse his song. “I don’t know why, but I said, ‘What time?’ After a few private messages I said ‘Yes!'” says the singer and posted some wedding pictures.

What also helped in his decision was that social media quickly revealed that the fan had supported his band Sunrise Avenue in the past and seemed to love his family. When he drove to the wedding location in Porvoo, Finland yesterday, “I thought I was crazy to do something like that. When I drove back later, I said: ‘Thank you, Universum, for my madness’,” explains the musician also sent his congratulations to the newlyweds: “May your love last forever and please stay as you are. Based on what I felt around you, you both found this amazing something that I’ve written 1,000 songs about. I know you will appreciate it.”


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