Samsung Galaxy Buds as special microphones

Surround Sound Videos
Samsung Galaxy Buds as special microphones

Many Bluetooth headphones contain chips and microphones for making calls or for active noise cancellation. Samsung now uses this headphone technology for very special sound recordings.

Samsung turns its wireless Bluetooth headphones Galaxy Buds 2 Pro into special microphones in the ears of the wearer. In the future, they will also be able to record video sound there, which is intended to convey a realistic, spatial listening impression, as the manufacturer reports.

Samsung calls the feature “360° Audio Recording”. This is the so-called binaural recording technique. A compatible smartphone is required. These include the Galaxy Z Flip 4, the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and upcoming Galaxy devices that use the LE Audio Bluetooth standard.

Enable recording feature in camera app

The function should be activated from January 17 in Samsung’s camera app in the settings under “Advanced video options/360° audio recording” when the video mode is selected.

In addition, Samsung has updated the camera remote control on the smartwatches Galaxy Watch 5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch 4 and Watch 4 Classic for February announced.

Control camera zoom using the bezel

With these smartwatches it will be possible in the future to control the camera zoom of certain Galaxy smartphones via the bezel. This can help, for example, to adjust the image section for group photos or selfies from a distance.

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