Salmonella in chocolate: investigations against Ferrero

Status: 04/11/2022 3:39 p.m

After the salmonella outbreak at the confectionery manufacturer Ferrero, the Belgian public prosecutor is now investigating. The company has already had to close a factory – and has now admitted to mistakes.

The Belgian public prosecutor is investigating a salmonella outbreak against the confectionery manufacturer Ferrero. The investigation is linked to the Belgian factory in Arlon, the Belga news agency and other media reported today, citing the public prosecutor of the Belgian province of Luxembourg.

Ferrero had to close the factory in Belgium last week on orders from the authorities. The Afsca regulatory authority withdrew the production license from the site until all food safety rules and requirements were met. In addition, all “kids” chocolate products manufactured in Arlon have been withdrawn.

Salmonella discovered in December

Hundreds of salmonella cases across Europe have now been linked to sweets produced there. After the cases became known, the Italian group admitted mistakes in handling the recalls of some products. Ferrero acknowledged “internal inefficiencies that caused delays in recalls and information sharing.”

According to Fererro, the salmonella was detected at the plant as early as December 15, 2021. They were found in a sieve at the outlet of two raw material tanks. The products made from it were then held back. The filter had been replaced, and controls on unfinished and finished products had been expanded.

“Deeply saddened by what happened”

Last week, the company recalled products from its “Children’s” line of confectionery due to the outbreak of salmonella in several countries. The German market is also affected.

Consumer organizations have criticized Ferrero for his handling of the case. “If such a mistake happens, the population must be warned immediately,” said Andreas Winkler from the Foodwatch organization. The manufacturer’s statement said: “Ferrero is deeply saddened by what has happened.” Everything possible is done in the company in order not to lose the trust of customers.

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