Salary: How Much Does a Girl Scout Earn – Jobs Column

In the beginning I also had problems combining my part-time studies, my hobbies and my job. I enjoy hiking, bouldering, and playing the guitar, violin, and ukulele. Typical scout hobbies! By the way, you can see how much influence childhood can have on you. I joined the Boy Scouts when I was about eight years old, and I’m 26 now. In my free time I’m no longer active as a member – you can tell that the target group is more children and young people between the ages of seven and 21. I just outgrew it. Now I’m working to ensure that scouting remains attractive to young adults like me. For example through the mentor concept, in which older scouts look after younger ones.

What it’s like to camp professionally

Actually, as I said, I work in the office. Last summer, as an exception, I was professionally at a federal camp with 4600 scouts. I slept in a tent with friends most of the time, like I used to. It was work anyway. A lot of program was offered at the camp: political workshops, handicrafts, canoeing, practicing knots, drawing, making bracelets, skill games… At my stand I explained the Mentor:innen project. Many people came to me, sometimes there were 100, other days only ten. Some were there for two minutes, others all day. It was important that I was present at the camp – also to get feedback from participants. Because in an association as large as ours, it can sometimes take a while for information or criticism to reach the right places.

How I got the job

I grew up as a Girl Scout, but I wasn’t very active during college. I then had to do an internship for my bachelor’s degree in social work. So why not with the Boy Scouts, I thought to myself?

Coincidentally, a position became vacant after the internship and my former colleagues encouraged me to apply. I’ve had the job for a year and a half.

What questions I get asked at parties

Of course, I am regularly asked if we can read tracks (mostly not) and make fires (yes). But we don’t sell cookies like in American films. What always surprises me: how few people know what conceptual work is. So that I’m mainly paid for thinking and organizing, and that my job is not so easy to explain – because it’s not really visible. When a craftsman bricks, you can see the result. When I think about structures for the club and implement them, there is nothing to see because my work takes place in people’s minds. That’s not so easy to explain with a beer in hand at a party. When it does work out, most are impressed by the depth and say: “You train, you accompany, you’re always there.” Many people are amazed that you can be a full-time scout at all and that the job is so pedagogical.

What qualities do you need for the job

In any case, it’s an advantage that I’m a girl scout myself and have been through all the experiences: from group child to tribal leadership. As a tribe, you should also be empathetic, be able to get in touch with people, listen well and be open to criticism. Creativity is also important for developing concepts. And also a healthy dose of self-confidence, for example when I speak on stage in front of people. But you can learn that. I have developed a lot through the job. Our guiding principle of “learning by doing” also applies to me.

how much i earn

With 80 percent working hours, i.e. four days a week, I earn 3749 euros gross per month. I’m totally satisfied with it, especially compared to my friends from college. Some of them get just as much in “classic social work”, but work full-time for it. The money comes from membership fees and from the evangelical church because we are a Christian scout association.

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