Salah takes revenge from CAN, Egypt off to a good start against Senegal

In tears after the penalty shootout (0-0, 4 tabs to 2) which crowned Senegal from his teammate in Liverpool, Sadio Mané, in early February, Mohamed Salah took a revenge start and an option on qualification before the return match on Tuesday in Diamniadio, near Dakar. “Salah is one of the best players in the world, we want him to take us to the World Cup,” said Diaa al-Sayed, assistant coach Carlos Queiroz, after the CAN final.

A lucky but valuable goal

Less than two months later, the Pharaohs do not yet have their ticket to the World Cup in Qatar (November 21-December 18, 2022), but their star striker was decisive in the first round. A pivot shot from the left deflected on the crossbar by goalkeeper Édouard Mendy bounced off defender Saliou Ciss to turn into an own goal in the 4th minute. Admittedly, Salah was a bit lucky, but this goal symbolized the striker’s determination from the start.

This early opening score overwhelmed the 75,000 Cairo supporters. A few minutes later, Aliou Cissé’s team was again unlucky with the injured exit of Paris SG defender Abdou Diallo (12th).

At the start of the second period, Sadio Mané sounded the revolt. But the hero of the CAN final, author of the last shot on goal, failed to put the two teams equal. The Egyptians even proved dangerous at the end of the game on an attempted return from Mostafa Mohamed and a strike from Trezeguet. In their brand new Diamniadio stadium, the Senegalese will count on Sadio Mané and the support of 50,000 supporters in four days to turn the tide.

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