Saïd Ennjimi, president of the Ligue d’Aquitaine, calls for new elections before 2024

As we suspected, the resignation of Noël Le Graët on Tuesday is not enough to satisfy all the players in French football. Apart from Jamel Sandjak, the president of the Paris-Ile-de-France League, who had chosen to resign from the executive committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) five days earlier, all the rest of the Comex intends to remain in office until at the end of 2024, as stipulated in the mandate of Noël Le Graët and his elected team.

President of the Aquitaine Football League, Saïd Ennjimi confided in this subject in The Parisian “Hearing the Comex say that the dysfunctions are not systemic means that everything is the responsibility of Noël Le Graët. However, by definition, there are complicated subjects of which some were more or less aware. It’s hard to stay put like this when your elected lead slate is leaving. To say that everything is a man’s fault is not enough for me”.

“Fractures that will continue”

The wish of the former professional referee is therefore clear: “Calling a new election would make it possible to close the chapter definitively. Because casually, the mandate will still last almost two years. If they had put their mandate back into play, we could have united, but there, by maintaining ourselves in this way, I think that there are fractures which will continue. I would have preferred that we take advantage of this difficult moment to organize a real debate, in front of everyone, program against program”.

Similarly, Saïd Ennjimi is considering convening a federal dismissal assembly before that scheduled for June 10, supposed to determine the possible successor to Philippe Diallo. “The FFF needs to be revitalized,” insists the leader. The end of the crisis is not yet in sight for French football.

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