Sadio Mané withdraws from the World Cup

Sad news, Sadio Mané injured in the right fibula will not be able to compete in the World Cup. “Unfortunately, today’s (Thursday) MRI shows us that the evolution is not favorable as we imagined and we unfortunately resolve to declare Sadio’s withdrawal from the World Cup,” said the doctor of the selection, Manuel Afonso, quoted on the Senegal Twitter account.

The doctor clarified that “surgery should be scheduled very soon” to operate on the player. Since his injury on November 8 with his club Bayern Munich, during the victory against Bremen (6-1), on contact with Werder defender Amos Pieper, everything has been done to treat the N.10 of the “Lions” .

Who will be his next replacement?

Afonso traveled to Munich on November 10 and 11 to examine the player and consult the MRIs (magnetic resonance images) again. It had been decided to carry out new MRIs on Thursday.

After the injury, Sadio Mané and his entourage first thought they had to forfeit, before regaining hope. And, after the visit of the doctor of the selection, it was decided on November 10 to include him all the same in the list of 26 players selected for the World Cup.

Coach Aliou Cissé must now find a replacement for him, he has until Sunday, the day before Senegal enters the competition, against the Netherlands. But Senegal, appearing among the outsiders of the competition, lost its leader, the one who had guided the Lions to their first title of African champions last February.

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