Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, close to the Macron couple appointed Minister of the City

Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, MP for Marseille, has just been appointed to the Ministry of the City. The audiovisual producer has become since their meeting in 2016 the relay of Macron in the second city of France. At the end of June, during the last visit of the Head of State to Marseille, she hugged him for a long time under the eyes of local elected officials.

Elected in the first constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, the forties had entered the National Assembly in June 2022. Preferring “the field” to the hemicycle when her presence in Paris was not necessary, she became one of the spokespersons for the group of Macronist Renaissance deputies there.

For several weeks, she had been among those who pleaded for a reshuffle, believing that apart from a few headliners, too few ministers had emerged according to her. Pleading for months with the Elysée to “change our vision of urban planning”, she has made housing one of her battle horses. In particular, it wishes to facilitate the issuance of building permits and allow the middle classes to have better housing.

A “daughter of the estates” who “lacked nothing”

Recently launched in politics and well established in local economic circles, this “real life girl”, as she likes to define herself, got to know her city even better by filming it, for the series Marseilles of Netflix for example, of which she was co-producer. “All these filmings allowed me to understand the Marseille political spectrum, to understand why sociologies have changed”, she explained to AFP, a few days before her victory against an RN candidate in the second round of the legislative elections. The headband on the cover of his book I love France! published last February, announced the color: “From the northern districts to the Elysée Palace”.

The one who grew up in the Félix-Pyat city, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Europe, was born on October 13, 1976 to two parents of Algerian origin. His mother was born in Provence, and his father on the other side of the Mediterranean. Raised by her grandmother and having had “wonderful parents, who worked”, the one who is exasperated by the label of “cities girl” admits to having “missed nothing”, in “a multicultural environment”, within a family of six children.

When she was still a student, she met the rapper Akhenaton and became production manager for the group IAM on the album “L’école du micro d’argent”, which launched her career as a producer. “What I have built in 25 years, if I had been born in a privileged environment, it would have taken me ten years”, pleads today this daughter of a builder who speaks fluent Arabic, English, a little Korean and even… Provençal.

She met the future presidential couple in 2016 at a dinner and befriended Brigitte Macron. In 2021, the forties entered politics as a regional elected official on the list of ex-LR president of the Paca Renaud Muselier region. Married to Jean-Philippe Agresti, rector of the Academy of Corsica, she is the mother of a young teenager.

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