S files excluded from the organization of the Games and the torch relay

41 people listed as S or for religious radicalization of a terrorist nature (FSPRT) were excluded from the organization of the Olympic Games and the torch relay, the Ministry of the Interior announced this Wednesday in a press release.

Two months before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris, Place Beauvau confirmed that 393,000 administrative security investigations had been carried out, which “made it possible to exclude 1,550 people, including 33 torchbearers and 31 staff responsible for organizing the” ceremonies. cauldron “, notes the ministry.

The ministry is pleased that the Olympic torch relay, which is currently traveling through mainland France, is taking place “without major incident”. 610,000 spectators have already attended the “cauldron ceremonies” and the various torch relays, which will arrive in Mayenne on Wednesday.

On Monday, a man was fined 600 euros in Bordeaux for going to the area where the Olympic flame was located. The individual was prohibited from traveling to the area due to a history of advocating terrorism. “I was aware that I was in violation but given the time it was, the flame had already gone,” the defendant defended himself at the hearing, explaining his presence by his desire to “eat a kebab “.

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