“Rust” tragedy: “Sabotage” on the set? | STERN.de

“Rust” tragedy
“Sabotage” on the set?

What happened on the “Rust” set before the fatal incident?

© imago images / ZUMA Wire

How did live ammunition get to the “Rust” film set? Gunsmith Hannah Gutierrez-Reed’s lawyers have a theory.

The events leading up to the fatal tragedy on the “Rust” film set have still not been fully clarified. While filming in the US state of New Mexico, a shot had apparently accidentally been fired when Alec Baldwin (63) was rehearsing with the weapon handed to him. Halyna Hutchins, 42, was fatally injured. The police had announced that Hutchins had been hit by a sharp bullet. Among other things, weapons master Hannah Gutierrez-Reed then came into the focus of investigators.

One of their lawyers has now on NBC’s “Today Show” explains that there was a box of bullets on set that was supposed to contain dummy cartridges and that Gutierrez-Reed took one of these from to load the gun. He thinks it is possible that a third party put live ammunition in the box. “I believe that someone who would do that would want to sabotage the set and prove they are upset and unhappy,” the lawyer explained.

As previously reported, six cameramen and assistants appeared to have left the set a few hours before the fatal shot in protest of the working conditions. When asked if he thought a crew member might be a suspect, the attorney said, “I don’t think anyone can be disfellowshipped at this time.” The lawyer did not provide any evidence for his theory.

Assistant director has also testified

“Safety is Hannah’s top priority on the set,” said Gutierrez-Reed’s lawyers in a statement earlier. which is available to the industry portal “Deadline”, among others. Gutierrez-Reed was “devastated”. You have “no idea where the live ammunition came from,” it said.

In addition to Gutierrez-Reed, David Halls is also in the focus of the investigation. According to the New York Times, the assistant director is said to have told investigators that he did not check all the bullets in the gun closely enough. This is reported by the newspaper, citing an affidavit. In a statement made by the New York Post, Halls said of his colleague’s death: “Halyna Hutchins was not only one of the most talented people I worked with, but also a friend.”


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