Russia’s war against Ukraine: EU Commission proposes new sanctions package

Status: 08.12.2022 02:37 am

Because of the Ukraine war, the European Union wants to impose sanctions on the Russian army and three other Russian banks. This was suggested by EU Commission President von der Leyen to the member states as part of a ninth package of sanctions.

The European Commission wants to put further pressure on Russia with a ninth package of sanctions. “Russia continues to bring death and devastation to Ukraine,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wrote on Twitter. “We stand with Ukraine and let Russia pay for its atrocities.”

According to von der Leyen, the eight packages of sanctions introduced by the EU have already had a significant impact. The ninth package aims to add almost 200 people and organizations to the sanctions list.

Russia’s access to drones should also be made more difficult

According to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, it is about members of the Russian military, the defense industry and the government. Among other things, those responsible for the rocket attacks on Ukraine and the theft of Ukrainian grain are to be hit.

In addition, three other Russian banks are to be sanctioned, as announced by von der Leyen. The sanctions are also intended to restrict Russia’s access to drones, particularly via third countries such as Iran. Von der Leyen also named new export restrictions for goods that can be used for both civilian and military purposes.

Four news organizations that spread propaganda, according to the head of the commission, are to be taken offline. Finally, she named economic measures against the Russian energy and mining sector.

The measures proposed by the EU Commission are now being discussed by the EU member states. Ideally, they should be decided next week and come into force.

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