Russian war of aggression: War against Ukraine: That is the situation

Russian war of aggression
War against Ukraine: That’s the situation

The fighting continues: Ukraine accuses Russia of further rocket attacks. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

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Ukraine accuses Russia of more missile attacks. Meanwhile, reporting requirements for conscripts in Kyiv are causing trouble. An overview of what happened during the night and a view of the day.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has reiterated his appeal for the delivery of modern missile defense systems in the war against Russia. The leadership in Kyiv will not slack off in their efforts to obtain sufficient numbers of these weapons, he said in a video message on Tuesday. Meanwhile, renewed rocket attacks were reported from Ukrainian locations. Wednesday marks the 133rd day of war in Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion at the end of February.

Protection against missile attacks depends on partner countries

Zelenskyy said Russia had again attacked targets in the country. Some of the rockets were shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces. Creating protection against rocket attacks before the end of this year is an extreme challenge for the state. “But fulfilling this task depends not only on us, but also on our partners’ understanding of our basic needs.”

Selenskyj criticizes army leadership

After severe criticism of reporting requirements for conscripts, Zelenskyy reprimanded the military leadership. At the next meeting of the general staff, the 44-year-old demanded that the defense minister, chief of staff and commander-in-chief of the army give him a detailed report. “I promise the people that I will clarify the matter and continue to ask the General Staff not to make such decisions without me.” Army Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zalushnyi and the General Staff had previously announced that conscripted Ukrainians would need permission to leave the reporting point. After criticism on social networks, it was said that this was only necessary for leaving the government district. The basis is a law from 1992.

Ukraine wants to join the OECD

Ukraine wants to join the industrialized countries organization OECD. Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal announced on Tuesday via the Telegram news service that he had submitted a corresponding application on behalf of the country. Ukraine’s membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is “one of the cornerstones of successful reconstruction and development” of Ukraine, he said. Even before the war, Ukraine was considered one of the poorest countries in Europe in terms of per capita income.

Ruble collapses

After months of appreciation, the Russian ruble has fallen sharply on the Moscow stock exchange. The Russian national currency lost around ten percent against the dollar and the euro on Tuesday. Extrapolated to the past three trading days, the loss was around 20 percent, according to the RBC news agency. At the end of the trading day, the dollar cost more than 61 rubles, the euro more than 63 rubles. During the course of the day, the key currencies were at times even more than 62 and 64 rubles respectively. This is the highest level since early May. However, the ruble is still significantly more expensive than before the start of the war in February.

Ambassador Melnyk defends himself against allegations

After days of silence, the Ukrainian ambassador Andriy Melnyk has denied the accusation that his statements about the Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera played down the Holocaust. “Anyone who knows me knows: I have always condemned the Holocaust in the strongest possible terms,” ​​Melnyk wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. The allegations against him are “absurd”. The “Bild” and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported, citing Ukrainian sources, that Melnyk should be recalled and move to the Foreign Ministry in Kyiv. The 46-year-old could become Deputy Foreign Minister in the fall, wrote the “Bild”.

Jailed basketball player Griner writes to Biden

Basketball player Brittney Griner, who was arrested in Moscow, has personally asked US President Joe Biden for help. The 31-year-old’s environment distributed excerpts of a letter on Monday (local time) when the US national holiday was celebrated. The White House acknowledged receipt of the letter. Griner has been in Russian custody since February 17 on charges of drug possession. Her trial began last Friday. The pre-trial detention was last extended until December 20th.

That will be important on Wednesday

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) answers questions from MPs in the Bundestag. Among other things, it should be about the Ukraine war and its effects on Germany, including inflation and gas shortages. An online press conference with Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) addresses the question of what town twinning can do to support Ukraine.


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