Russian war of aggression: Soviet memorial in Berlin defaced

Russian war of aggression
Soviet memorial in Berlin defaced

Unknown people sprayed the Soviet memorial in Berlin-Treptow. Photo: Wolfgang Kumm/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

“Death to all Russians”: These are slogans directed against the war in Ukraine and at Russian leader Vladimir Putin – but who wrote them?

Slogans against the war in Ukraine and against Russian President Vladimir Putin have been sprayed in red on the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin-Treptow.

A spokesman for the Berlin police confirmed the graffiti on Thursday evening. He did not give any further details. As “Der Tagesspiegel” and the newspaper “Neues Deutschland” reported, some parts of the memorial were marked with slogans such as “Death to all Russians”, “Ukrainian Blood on Russian Hands” or ” Putin = Stalin» sprinkled.

The lettering was immediately made unrecognizable by emergency services, a police spokesman told the “Tagesspiegel”. The state security of the State Criminal Police Office is investigating property damage and the use of signs of unconstitutional organizations.

One was “deeply outraged by the blatant act of vandalism,” said a statement from the Russian Embassy in Berlin. “This is seen as a cynical disregard for the memory of the soldiers who gave their lives to liberate the world and Europe from Nazism,” it said. The embassy sent a protest note to the Federal Foreign Office demanding that the vandal attack be remedied, that the perpetrators be held accountable and that comprehensive measures be taken to prevent a repetition.


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