Russian war of aggression: Odessa experiences the heaviest attack since the beginning of the war

Russian war of aggression
Odessa suffered the heaviest attack since the beginning of the war

Damaged warehouse in Odessa after a Russian missile strike in mid-June. According to the mayor of the Black Sea city, the biggest attack since the beginning of the war has now taken place. photo

© Nina Lyashonok/AP/dpa

Despite the war, Ukraine has so far delivered grain to the world via Odessa and two other Black Sea ports. Moscow has now terminated the agreement and is shelling the Ukrainian coast.

Russia has the southern Ukrainian port city Odessa was heavily attacked with rockets and drones for the second night in a row. The port has so far been the main starting point for Ukrainian agricultural exports under the grain agreement that Moscow has canceled. In Odessa, Russia also suspects the command center for attacks by floating drones, which allegedly damaged the bridge to the Moscow-occupied Crimea peninsula on Monday.

The mayor of Odessa, Hennady Trukhanov, wrote on Facebook: “We have not experienced such a large attack since the beginning of the large-scale (Russian) invasion.” Several buildings in the city were damaged by explosions. At least six people were injured, according to authorities.

Port facilities and military targets hit

According to the Southern Command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, port facilities with a grain terminal and an edible oil terminal were hit. Tanks and loading facilities were also damaged. Warehouse buildings were also destroyed in the city of Odessa. In addition, a fire broke out in an area of ​​3000 square meters.

Military targets and important infrastructure facilities were also hit, the Ukrainian Air Force said. Overall, the Russian army used over 31 rockets of different types on Wednesday morning. A little more than half could not be intercepted. Of the 32 Russian combat drones deployed, 23 were shot down.

Zelenskyy: Missiles aimed at grain agreements

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy linked the massive Russian attacks on the port facilities in Odessa to the end of the grain agreement. “Russian terrorists are absolutely deliberately targeting the Grains Agreement infrastructure, and every Russian missile is a blow not only to Ukraine but to everyone in the world striving for a normal and safe life,” the head of state wrote on Telegram. The military had been instructed to better protect the port infrastructure.

The Foreign Ministry should work on increasing international pressure to “continue normal exports of Ukrainian grain”.

Attacks also in other parts of Ukraine

There were also reports of intercepted flying objects from the areas of Kiev, Mykolaiv and Sumy. According to the authorities, a critical infrastructure object was hit in the western Ukrainian region of Zhytomyr. Rocket hits also occurred in the central Ukrainian region of Kirovohrad.

Odessa had already been the main target of the Russian attacks on Tuesday night. This was specifically described by the Ministry of Defense in Moscow as a reaction to the damage to the 19-kilometer Crimean Bridge the day before. According to a count by the Ukrainian General Staff, the Russian army used six Kalibr cruise missiles in this strike, all of which were intercepted. The air defenses destroyed 31 of 35 Russian combat drones.

Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian invasion for almost 17 months. The country has been improving its air defense with international help since last fall. But not all cities can be protected as well as the capital Kiev.

Also on Monday, Russia canceled security guarantees for the safe transport of agricultural goods from three Ukrainian Black Sea ports. Andriy Yermak, head of the President’s Office in Kiev, said about this and the attacks: “The Russian terror near Odessa proves once again: They need hunger and problems in the countries of the Global South. They want to create a refugee crisis for the West.”


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