Russian War of Aggression: London: Russia too weak for conquests in Ukraine

Russian war of aggression
London: Russia too weak for conquests in Ukraine

Two Ukrainian soldiers stand next to a sign that reads “Kherson Region”. The city of Kherson was recaptured from Ukraine in mid-November. photo

© Bernat Armangue/AP/dpa

The Russian troops have recently lost more and more occupied areas. The British secret service does not currently consider a recapture likely – there is a lack of clout for that.

According to British estimates, Russia does not currently have the capability to conquer Ukraine. Russia is still sticking to its minimum goal – complete control over the southern and eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Luhansk, Cherson and Zaporizhia – the Ministry of Defense announced in London on Monday.

“However, it is currently unlikely that the Russian strategy will achieve its goal,” it said, citing intelligence findings. The Russian troops are currently hardly in a position to reconquer recently lost areas. “Russia’s ground forces are unlikely to make any significant operational advances in the next few months.”

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, the British Ministry of Defense has published daily information on the course of the war, citing intelligence information. In doing so, the British government wants to both counter the Russian portrayal and keep allies in line. Moscow accuses London of a disinformation campaign.


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