Russian war of aggression: Chechen chief Kadyrov: warfare against Kyiv weak

Russian war of aggression
Chechen chief Kadyrov: warfare against Kyiv weak

Ramzan Kadyrov calls for Ukrainian cities to be wiped out “so that we can see the distant horizon”. photo

© -/AP/dpa

Ramzan Kadyrov rules Chechnya with an iron fist. He unreservedly supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But he is not satisfied with the conduct of the war – and threatens the West.

The notorious ruler of the Russian republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has once again expressed his dissatisfaction with the course of the war in Ukraine. “We used to say that we were conducting a special military operation on the territory of Ukraine, but the war is already taking place on our territory,” Kadyrov said on his Telegram channel on Tuesday. He is very dissatisfied with it. At the same time he threatened Ukraine’s western support countries with annihilation.

Martial law has already been imposed in regions bordering Ukraine, Kadyrov said. “But they continue to shoot at peaceful citizens and civilian objects.” Russia’s response to this was “weak,” Kadyrov criticized. In retaliation, he demanded the obliteration of Ukrainian cities “so that we can see the distant horizon.”

Eight months after the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin declared martial law in several areas annexed in violation of international law. Ukraine wants to recapture the occupied territories.

Kadyrov accused the US, the EU and NATO of “unilateral treason” over the arms deliveries to Kyiv. The West has been trying to starve Russia out for years with a “cold economic war.” “That didn’t work out”. Now the West wants to bring Russia to its knees and enslave it, Kadyrov said. “We will destroy them, however many they are and however many troops and technology they send,” he said. Kadyrov, known for his brutal leadership in Chechnya in the North Caucasus, has emerged as one of the most ardent supporters of the war since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, sending troops of his own into Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security Council, Oleksiy Danilov, advised Kadyrov to withdraw from Ukraine while he still could and to fight for Chechnya’s independence. Otherwise the Russians would “come back and kill Chechen women and children,” Danilov claimed on Twitter.


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