Russian invasion: War against Ukraine: That’s the situation

Russian invasion
War against Ukraine: That’s the situation

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin in Moscow. photo

© Gavriil Grigorov/Pool Sputnik Kremlin/AP/dpa

Will Russia’s mobilization turn the tide of war? Observers doubt that. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy also thinks that Moscow only wants to postpone its own defeat. The news at a glance.

With the ongoing partial mobilization of the armed forces, Russia only wants to delay the moment of its own defeat, according to statements by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Selenskyj made this clear in his nightly video speech.

Around seven months after the war began, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered reservists to be mobilized on Wednesday. Since then, there has been horror in many places in Russia. There are protests across the country. There have also been several attacks on conscription centers.

Meanwhile, Putin’s confidante Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted for the first time that the feared mercenary group “Wagner” had been founded. Putin also granted Russian citizenship to well-known US whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Zelenskyy: Russia wants to delay the moment of defeat

“They felt they were going to lose. And they’re just trying to delay this moment in order to have at least some activity at the front,” said Zelenskyy. “Unfortunately, the Russian people are not yet aware of the full brutality of the Russian government against their own people,” Zelenskyy said. That must be made clear to the Russians.

Putin’s “cook” is committed to founding the Wagner combat group

The Russian businessman Prigozhin, who became known as the cook of Kremlin chief Putin, publicly acknowledged for the first time that he founded the notorious mercenary group “Wagner”. Prigozhin explained on the website of his company Konkord that he formed the unit in 2014 for use on the Russian side in the Ukrainian Donbass. On May 1, 2014, a “group of patriots was born” – with the name “Wagner”.

Prior to this, Prigozhin had never clearly named connections to the “Wagner” troops. Most recently, however, he indirectly hinted that it was his project. Insiders also confirmed this. Among other things, Prigozhin has now confirmed operations by the “Wagner” group in Syria, other Arab countries as well as in Africa and Latin America. A video recently caused a stir in Russia, which is said to show the businessman and Putin friend recruiting prison inmates to fight in the Ukraine war.

Putin grants US whistleblower Snowden Russian citizenship

Putin granted US whistleblower Snowden Russian citizenship. The 39-year-old’s name is on a list of new citizens published by the Kremlin. Snowden previously revealed after his son’s birth in Russia that he was applying for citizenship to have the same rights as the child born in 2020, who was automatically granted Russian citizenship.

In 2013, Snowden gave journalists documents on spying activities by the US surveillance service NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ. According to his own statements, he wanted to flee via Hong Kong to Ecuador, but ended up stranded at the airport in Moscow after the US government canceled his passport.

No EU solution for dealing with Russian conscientious objectors

The EU states are still looking for a common line in dealing with Russian conscientious objectors who want to leave their homeland. A first crisis meeting of the 27 EU ambassadors did not bring a solution. The EU Commission was asked to “review, evaluate and, if necessary, update the latest guidelines on issuing visas, taking into account the security concerns of the Member States,” the current Czech EU Council Presidency said afterwards.

US supports Ukrainian prosecution with millions

The US government is providing millions in support to Ukraine’s law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised the Ukrainian government an additional 457.5 million US dollars (around 474 million euros) for this purpose. Since mid-December 2021, the USA has made more than 645 million US dollars (around 668 million euros) available for this area, including for the country’s police, it was said.

Some of the new funds are also intended to support the Ukrainian government “in documenting, investigating and prosecuting atrocities committed by the Russian armed forces”.

What is important today

In the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine, the final day of mock referendums on joining Russia is taking place. Ukraine and the West see the compulsory voting as a violation of international law. It is expected that the areas will be annexed and possibly declared Russian state territory by Putin on Friday.


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