Russia will close its airspace to all European countries; France wants to freeze more assets of Russian personalities

On Sunday, France recommended in two press releases to its nationals passing through Russia to “leave without delay” the country due to “increasing restrictions on air traffic between Russia and Europe”and to all French people to leave Belarus by road.

Following the invasion of Ukraine, “The European Union has just announced its decision to immediately close European airspace to Russian planes and airlines”underlines the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in its latest travel advice for Russia. “Most European companies, including Air France, have therefore suspended from this Sunday evening February 27 the service and overflight of Russia”according to the text.

“Due to the increasing restrictions on air traffic between Russia and Europe, it is strongly recommended that French people passing through Russia (tourists, visitors, students, professionals on mission) make arrangements to leave the country without delay. by existing air links”adds the ministry, calling for “defer any travel to Russia”.

Furthermore, “in the context of military tensions between Ukraine and Belarus and the closure of Belarusian airspace, any travel to Belarus is formally discouraged”, according to the travel advice for Belarus. The French there “are invited to leave the country without delay by road, via the border crossing points with Lithuania, Poland or Latvia. If necessary, passengers arriving by air must apply for an exit visa from the services of the Belarusian Ministry of the Interior”specifies the French diplomacy.

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