Russia widely condemned at the UN, with the exception of China

The front was almost united against Russia on Monday night at the UN. During an emergency meeting, a majority of members of the Security Council condemned Vladimir Putin’s decision to recognize the independence of the breakaway republics in Ukraine and to “deploy Russian troops there”. In response the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, affirmed that his country does not close the door to “diplomacy” but will prevent a “bloodbath in the Donbass”.

“The internationally recognized borders of Ukraine will remain unchanged,” said Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya. Ukraine therefore asks Russia to “cancel its decision to recognize” Ukrainian secessionist territories, “to return to the negotiating table”, and to proceed with “an immediate and verifiable withdrawal of its occupation troops”.

“The risk of major conflict is real”

The designation of the Russian army, by Putin, as a “peacekeeping force” to justify its entry into the separatist territories, is “a nonsense”, had previously declared the United States ambassador to the Nations United Linda Thomas-Greenfield. UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo had previously strongly “regretted” Russia’s decisions and actions. “The next few hours and days will be critical. The risk of major conflict is real and must be avoided at all costs,” she said.

During the session, several members of the Security Council expressed their condemnation of the latest developments, like France, Norway or Ireland. For France, Russia has “chosen the path of questioning and confrontation”, lamented Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière. “Who is the next” to have to be invaded? Asked the Albanian ambassador, Ferit Hoxha, more directly.

China does not explicitly condemn

His Indian counterpart, TS Tirumurti, expressed “deep concern” and called for “restraint from all parties”, while British Ambassador Barbara Woodward demanded that Russia “reverse and that Brazil demanded “an immediate ceasefire”. “This action” to militarily enter eastern Ukraine “and this announcement” of recognition of independence “undermines the territorial integrity of Ukraine”, for his part affirmed the Kenyan ambassador , Martin Kimani. Ghana, the United Arab Emirates also criticized Russia.

China, on the other hand, distinguished itself from its partners by not explicitly condemning Moscow. “We believe that all countries should resolve international disputes by peaceful means in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter,” said Ambassador Zhang Jun. By taking this position, Beijing does not forget that it is also criticized for its position vis-à-vis Taiwan.

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