Russia has “nothing to do” with the migration crisis on the border between Poland and Belarus, says Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected in an interview broadcast on Saturday any responsibility for the ongoing migration crisis on the border between Belarus and Poland, where thousands of migrants have been massed for days. “I want everyone to know that. We have nothing to do with it, ”the president told Vesti, after several Western voices accused him this week of orchestrating with Minsk the sending of these migrants to the border.

This declaration comes as the pressure is not easing at the gates of the EU. The body of a young Syrian was discovered near the border on Friday, police in the Podlasie region (eastern Poland) announced on Saturday. According to a statement, “the causes of death could not be determined on the spot.” This death would bring to 11 the number of fatal victims of the migration crisis at this border, according to media estimates.

Belarus accused of instrumentalizing migrants

In addition, the police reported a new attempt at night to forcefully cross the border by “a hundred people”, in the same region of Wolka Terechowska. “At the sight of police and soldiers, people on the Belarusian side fled into the forest,” police said.

At the same time, Polish border guards spoke of the involvement of Belarusian forces in the destruction of barbed wire. “At night, Belarusian soldiers tried to destroy the temporary border fence. They were removing poles and tearing up the concertina using a service vehicle. The Polish forces were dazzled with laser beams and strobe effects, ”according to a message from border guards on Twitter. The border police also accused the Belarusian forces of having “equipped foreigners with tear gas”.

Thousands of migrants, mostly from Africa and the Middle East, have crossed or attempted to cross the border from Belarus in recent months into Lithuania, Poland or Latvia. The European Union accuses Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko of having deliberately provoked this migratory movement in response to the economic sanctions it has taken against the repression against the opposition in his country. Migrants have reported being forced by Belarusian forces to cross the border but have been turned back by Polish border guards, remaining stranded at the border in increasingly difficult weather conditions.

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