Russia, China, USA: nuclear powers reject proliferation of nuclear weapons

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Rare agreement: Russia, China and western nuclear powers reject the proliferation of nuclear weapons

Test start of a new Sarmat ICBM in Russia (archive image)

© RU-RTR Russian Television / AP / dpa-Bildfunk / DPA

Relations between Russia and the West are strained to say the least. China and the US are also not green at the moment. The unity of the powers that be on nuclear weapons is all the more astonishing.

Seldom have nuclear powers been so closed. “We deeply believe that a further spread of such weapons must be prevented,” said a joint statement by the five nuclear powers USA, Russia, China, France and Great Britain. In the midst of the Ukraine crisis, Russia expressed hope that the joint declaration would ease international tensions.

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be waged,” declared the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. Such a joint explanation is rare. It took place before a conference to examine the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which is to take place this year and is being coordinated by France.

Russia participated “extremely actively”

Relations between Russia and the USA and other western countries are currently extremely tense because of the Ukraine crisis. The Russian government said on Monday that the joint declaration of the UN veto powers on nuclear weapons was made on their initiative “and with extremely active participation” by Russia. She expressed the hope that it would contribute to global relaxation.

“We hope that in the current difficult conditions of international security, the approval of such a political statement will help to alleviate the level of international tension,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty serves to build confidence and forms the “basis for future control over offensive and defensive weapons”.

In an interview with the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov made it clear that his country continued to consider it “necessary” for the international nuclear powers to come together for a summit.

Signal for the revival of the nuclear deal with Iran

China’s official Xinhua news agency quoted Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu that the joint statement would “help build mutual trust and replace competition between the great powers with coordination and cooperation.”

Tensions have also increased recently between China and the United States. The joint declaration by the UN veto powers is also important for their current negotiations in Vienna on a revival of the nuclear deal with Iran. The agreement aims to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

The aim of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: a world free of nuclear weapons

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which came into force in 1970, prohibits the proliferation of nuclear weapons. There are now 191 signatory states, including Germany. Israel, India and Pakistan, which are considered to be nuclear powers, did not join. The official nuclear powers USA, Russia, Great Britain, France and China undertake in the agreement not to hand over nuclear weapons to other states. The other countries pledge not to seek such weapons.

The agreement also includes the complete dismantling of the world’s nuclear arsenals as a fundamental objective. However, the agreement does not provide for any concrete steps.

The five UN veto powers have now reaffirmed the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons. They are willing “to work with all states to create a security environment that allows more progress in disarmament, with the ultimate goal of creating a world without nuclear weapons,” said France as coordinator of the efforts.

Until then, the existing nuclear weapons should only “serve defensive purposes, deterring and preventing war,” declared the five UN veto powers. They themselves would continue and step up their precautions against the unauthorized or unintentional use of nuclear weapons.


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