Russia bans gender reassignment surgery by law

Status: 07/14/2023 2:04 p.m

Gender reassignment surgery is no longer allowed in Russia. The law passed by Parliament bans both surgical procedures and hormone treatments.

Gender reassignment surgeries will be banned in Russia. The Duma voted unanimously to ban “sex reassignments”. For trans people in Russia, this means in concrete terms: no more access to hormone treatments and surgical interventions.

In addition, it is now no longer possible to change the gender entry in the passport. Trans people are forbidden from adopting children, being guardians of them, or taking in foster children. Existing marriages to trans people will be annulled.

Medical reasons should be an exception

However, the law provides one exception: sex reassignment surgeries are allowed for children with certain medical conditions associated with “disorders of genital formation.” A medical commission will then decide who specifically falls under the exception.

The law will go to the Federation Council for a vote in the coming days and will have to be signed by the President. Only then does it come into effect. However, these missing steps are considered formalities.

With this law against trans people, the Russian state wants to “put a stop to the Western anti-family ideology,” according to the MPs.

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