Runs on cooking oil, animal fat, coffee and insects: Alternative heating is causing a stir


We are surrounded by vegetable and animal oils that are clean to burn – Flint believes they provide an environmentally friendly source of heat.

The mobile heater from Flint can be quickly transported to the desired location thanks to wheels. (Source: manufacturer)

  • The Korean company Flint swears by this bio heater that burns natural oils.
  • The process should be particularly environmentally friendly and inexpensive.
  • Edible oil, animal fat, vegetable oil, coffee oil or even insect oil can be used as fuel, for example.

Become less dependent on gas – that’s the order of the day. More and more people are making themselves apart from the alternative Generation of electricity in the form of solar generators Thoughts about how to heat your apartment or house in the future. New ideas, like this mobile heater from Flint, are very welcome in this context.

The basic idea behind Flint’s Bioheater does not go back to the current gas crisis, but is based on the problem that in Korea and other parts of the world many households rely on dirty, environmentally harmful coal combustion in winter.

The heart of the heater is a burner that can burn untreated oil from the sources mentioned above. According to the company, most households would have access to these energy sources and ideally would not even have to purchase them separately. Others, such as the oil obtained from the larvae of the black soldier fly, can be produced cheaply.

However, the high flash points and high viscosity of the animal or vegetable energy sources make it technologically difficult to ignite the oils and use them to generate heat. This is the crux of the heating. The company does not want to convert the raw materials into biodiesel with the help of a chemical reaction, as is usually the case, but burn them directly. How exactly will the schematic drawings only partially visible on the company. There is also no information about the heating capacity. The company shop is currently not available – a certain skepticism seems appropriate.

The mobile heater presented last year is just the beginning, further products will be announced on the company’s website. These include an oven, a stationary heater or a water heater.

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