Running: The right running shoes are so important – and this is how you find them

The biggest trends and the latest models: How to find the right running shoe

Especially in spring, many manufacturers are pushing onto the market with new running shoe models. A well-fitting shoe is important, so runners should take plenty of time to shop.

The running shoe market is huge. But the offer is often confusing. We took a close look so that you know what to look out for the next time you make a purchase. Because if you walk with the wrong shoe, you risk injury.

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Of course I know the feeling too. You’re standing in a sports shop and the shelves are full of running shoes. I regularly feel overwhelmed. The many colors and shapes overwhelm me. Most of the time I don’t even know where to start my search. And all too often I’ve been faced with the question: is this really the right shoe for me? Can I walk well with this? Or am I just falling for the clever scam of a manufacturer? Do you even need all these advertised elements of running shoes?

The answer is not simple, but very complex. The fact is, there is no study to date that proves that today’s running shoes protect against injuries. So I don’t need such complicated and expensive running shoes at all?

I spoke to Professor Wolfgang Potthast from the German Sport University in Cologne about this. He is a biomechanist and has been researching how sneakers work for many years. He says: “We shouldn’t expect miracles. If you look at the number of injuries in recent years, we can see that all the innovations in sports shoes have neither worsened anything, but haven’t improved anything either.” So, does it matter what we wear on our feet? No, according to Potthast. “Wrong shoes can cause damage.”

Running without complaints: you have to try on shoes in peace and quiet

When buying, he advises, above all, to pay attention to a good fit and high-quality workmanship. Because it is usually only during sport that you can see how well a shoe really fits, many retailers and manufacturers offer an extended exchange period and even take back worn shoes. If you have heel spurs, Achilles tendinitis or knee pain, you should talk to a sports doctor. “Insoles that are sold in sports shops are often not a good solution,” says Potthast. Salespeople usually lack orthopedic or biomechanical knowledge. “Insoles or heel wedges interfere with the musculoskeletal system, and you can do a lot of damage there.”

In the new episode of our podcast “She runs. He runs” Let’s discuss running shoes. It’s about what new models are available and what experiences we’ve had. My podcast partner Mike Kleiß loves running shoes. Yes, you could say he collects them. A while ago he owned almost 100 pairs. In the meantime, he says, he has sorted out a few. I, on the other hand, only have three pairs of running shoes in the basement – strictly according to the rule that you should have as many pairs as you go running in a week. Changing from time to time – this protects against one-sided stress. If you want to know more: listen in!

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