Rumor…Near Protocol Will Launch Its Own Stablecoin Called “USN”

Near Protocol is rumored to be launching its own stablecoin known as USN, with one source stating that stablecoin is in the works. But the internal timeline hasn’t been revealed until now.

The stablecoin rumor first arose when Zoran Kole, the founder of Zorax Capital, cited inSubstack’s post that Near Protocol is launching a stablecoin that will yield 20%.

The testnet version of Ref Finance, the second largest decentralized exchange in Near, demonstrates Stablecoin, with the user interface on Ref Finance’s testnet website showing USN under the stableswap section along with the stablecoin balance. Other popular ones, such as USDC, USDT and DAI, imply that they are testing stablecoins.

However, we cannot confirm whether stablecoin will offer the high yields Kole claims, which is similar to Terra USD (UST).

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