Ruler for 40 years: Angola’s ex-president Dos Santos died

Status: 08.07.2022 4:21 p.m

He ruled Angola as an autocrat for almost 40 years: Ex-President Dos Santos died in Barcelona after a long illness. Supporters praised his versatility, critics accused him of unscrupulousness.

Former Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos is dead. He died at the age of 79 after a long illness in a hospital in Barcelona, ​​the Angolan government said. He had mainly lived there since his retirement.

Dos Santos had reacted autocratically in the southwest African country from 1979 to 2017, for almost 40 years. His successor, João Lourenço, declared five days of national mourning, which is scheduled to begin on Saturday. The national flags were flown at half-staff and public events were cancelled. The government said it bowed “with the greatest respect and esteem to this historical figure” who “managed with clarity and humanism (the destiny) of the Angolan nation for many years”.

Dos Santos’ political career spanned the Marxist one-party rule of the post-colonial years and the democratic system the government introduced in 2008. Civil war raged in Angola from 1975 to 2002. Alongside Nigeria, Angola is one of the largest oil producers in Africa, but according to the UN it is one of the poorest countries in the world. Corruption is widespread.

Accusation of “ruthlessness”

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Dos Santos turned away from socialism in favor of Western countries whose oil companies invested billions in Angola. Dos Santos supporters praised his ability to adapt to changing conditions. His critics called him unscrupulous.

He is said to have divided money from diamond and oil deals between the generals of his army and political rivals in order to secure their loyalty. According to Human Rights Watch, more than $4 billion in government revenue disappeared between 1997 and 2002. It has been suggested that Dos Santos owned valuable properties in Brazil, France and Portugal, as well as multiple accounts abroad.

Dos Santos has been married four times and has at least six children. His widespread family holds various key positions in politics and business, and they are accused of nepotism and corruption.

His daughter Isabel is one of the richest women in Africa. Among other things, she was president of the state oil company.

Angola’s ex-president dos Santos dies in Barcelona

Franka Welz, ARD Madrid, July 8, 2022 4:28 p.m

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