Rudy Giuliani: Investigations against ex-Trump lawyer for electoral influence

US media reports
Because of possible election interference: Ex-Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in the focus of investigations

His former client could become a problem for US attorney Rudy Giuliani

© Robert Bumsted / DPA

For a long time, Rudy Giuliani was a close advocate of Donald Trump as a lawyer. Even when the ex-president tried to influence the 2020 election result by all means. This proximity could now be Giuliani’s undoing.

According to media reports, on the occasion of the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani, lawyer for former US President Donald Trump, is the focus of criminal investigations. The “New York Times” and the broadcaster CNN reported on Monday that Giuliani’s lawyers said they had received a corresponding notification about investigations in the US state of Georgia. The investigations there are about a possible influence on the 2020 presidential election by Trump and his camp.

Prosecutor Fani Willis in Fulton County, Georgia, launched an investigation last year. The background is a phone call between Trump and Georgia’s chief election supervisor, Brad Raffensperger. Trump had asked Raffensperger in the conversation to “find” the missing votes in order to overturn the narrow election victory of his opponent Joe Biden in the state. Several Trump allies have been asked to testify before a jury that has now been set up. In July, Willis did not rule out summoning ex-President Trump to NBC.

Rudy Giuliani wants to invoke attorney-client privilege

The “New York Timesreported that Giuliani was scheduled to testify before a jury in Georgia’s capital of Atlanta, located in Fulton County, on Wednesday. Giuliani’s attorney made it clear, according to the report, that his client would invoke attorney-client privilege if he was asked any questions about his conversations with Trump “If these people think he’s going to talk about talks between him and President Trump, they’re delusional.”

Georgia was one of the states that won the November 2020 presidential election in favor of Democrat Biden. Republican Trump still maintains the long-debunked claim that he was deprived of victory through fraud. For weeks he and his allies tried to use questionable methods to overturn Biden’s election victory – Giuliani was one of the central figures. Trump’s camp also failed with dozens of lawsuits against the election results.


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