RTL show: powder keg RTL jungle camp: “The fuse is lit”

RTL show
Pulverkeg RTL jungle camp: “The fuse is lit”

Harald Glööckler talks about his difficult childhood in the jungle camp. Photo: Uwe Anspach/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The RTL jungle is back. Already on the first weekend, the candidates offer the reality TV classics: from life confessions to serious allegations and quarrels – to careful fumbling.

Soul strip, tearful revelations, big screams: the participants of the RTL jungle camp step on the gas. Already on the first weekend of the show “I’m a star, get me out of here” (IBES) the very heavy reality TV guns were brought up.

Jasmin Herren, Willi’s widow, announced a hit ballad about her husband and knew abysmal and allegedly criminal reports. And Janina Youssefian, who became known as the “carpet slut”, cleared up a myth from pop history: the sex with a famous man who made her famous did not take place on a carpet at all, but “on the cutting table”. The tabloid history may have to be rewritten in large parts.

Harald Glööckler unpacked about his tough childhood, his marriage, which is currently in trouble, and reported that he knew at the age of six that he found men more exciting than women, but had never come out: “I saw no need for it and thought who If you don’t get it now, I can’t help you either.”

And between Youssefian and Filip Pavlovic there was a scandal over the question of whether they could swap places to sleep – even though he had called her his “favorite bitch” when he moved in. After being bitten by a tick, Youssefian did not see himself in a position to exchange and also knew how to make it known: “Dude, I have tick fever right now. What doesn’t go into your sparrow brain?”

However, Pavlovic seemed to have already redistributed his preferences and shifted them to “Austria’s most famous woman”, Tara Tabitha. Is there a threat of the first jungle romance?

First test for Anouschka Renzi

In any case, the jungle promises a lot after the Corona break. But he also has to, as Glööckler quite rightly stated and formulated as an attitude towards the candidates of the show, which is repeatedly criticized as too boring or too redundant: “You can’t say when a bad opera is being played: The opera house is no good.” He then tested the potential of this year’s season, even spoke of a powder keg and said: “The fuse is lit.”

What else happened: Anouschka Renzi was the first to be chosen by the spectators in the jungle test and got four stars in her water and creepy-crawlies (crocodiles, toads, snakes, crabs and frogs) challenge entitled “Aqualium”. However, she was not re-elected for the next exam – possibly also thanks to her respectable performance.

During the first test, fates like that of Sarah “Dingens” or Larissa Marolt, who were mercilessly chosen again and again by the spectators after screaming and one or the other panic attack, are usually decided.

For Renzi it means: danger identified, danger averted. In the Sunday evening edition, it should be the turn of the argumentative ex-“Bachelor” candidate and this year’s jungle naked in “Playboy”, Linda Nobat (“I hate smelly people”) – and Youssefian, the cutting table slut, who bitches about ticks.

In its 15th season, the RTL jungle will be produced in South Africa and no longer in Australia after a Corona break last year – for the first time in the history of the cult show. That’s why RTL gave its celebrities testicles from the local warthog instead of the infamous kangaroo testicles in the first jungle test.

Eleven instead of twelve candidates are there because Lucas Cordalis, the son of the legendary first jungle king Costa Cordalis, is still in isolation after a corona infection. Whether and when he can still move into the camp remained open on the first weekend of the show.

Less viewer interest than before

Before the start of the jungle camp and the new edition of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”, media industry services had spoken of a weekend of truth for RTL and its linear television program with Florian Silbereisen instead of Dieter Bohlen.

And the truth was rosier – also for «IBES». Just under 4.6 million viewers watched the entry of the camp candidates on Friday evening. In the last regular issue, the 14th season two years ago, there were still a good 6 million, five years ago it was even around 7.4 million. On Saturday evening, with 4.05 million viewers, it was even fewer than at the start.

Incidentally, the RTL classic is to be broadcast on the next two Thursdays at 8:15 p.m. at the earlier prime time. That’s daring, because it puts the “jungle” in competition with the ProSieben formats “The Masked Dancer” and “Germany’s Next Topmodel”, which are also popular with young viewers.


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