RTL show: “Let’s Dance”-Aus for Caroline Bosbach

RTL show
“Let’s Dance”-Aus for Caroline Bosbach

Caroline Bosbach and Valentin Lusin didn’t get enough audience votes. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

There are goosebump moments, but also harsh criticism, again on Friday evening at “Let’s Dance”. A judge receives a standing ovation.

Young politician and author Caroline Bosbach has to leave the RTL show “Let’s Dance”. The 32-year-old was unable to convince either the jury or the audience with her slow fox.

“Slow Foxtrot has already cost many their heads here,” said juror Joachim Llambi after Bosbach’s performance. “It’s really a difficult dance.” While her posture was good, she deteriorated down the body. “You always put your whole foot down,” criticized Llambi. As a result, Bosbach lacked suppleness and lightness. Juror Jorge González also remarked, unusually pointed: “You’re a good student, but you haven’t learned much.”

The judges assessed the performance of the 32-year-old with a total of 14 points. The daughter of longtime CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach was actually one point ahead of comedian Bastian Bielendorfer. In the end, however, she and her dance partner Valentin Lusin (35) failed because of the audience’s votes.

Praise for Ullmann and Pocher

As the last celebrity to appear that evening, moderator Janin Ullmann received the best rating with 28 points. The 40-year-old and professional dancer Zsolt Sándor Cseke (34) danced a slow waltz to the Silbermond hit “The Best”. “You do the most difficult things and it looks so easy,” jury member Motsi Mabuse praised the couple. “It was a great performance,” said Joachim Llambi. “The best came at the end today.”

Presenter Amira Pocher (29) was also able to convince with her contemporary. “It was a bit goosebumps,” commented juror Joachim Llambi on her dance. When scoring, he surprised everyone when he held up the trowel with the nine after Mabuse and González, who had each scored eight points. For this generous award of points, the otherwise strictest juror received a standing ovation from the audience.

Corona-related failures

Athlete Mathias Mester also received a total of 25 points. “There are certain figures where I say: I can’t because of my short stature,” said the 35-year-old during training. Dance professional Renata Lusin then pushed him to go beyond his limits, he explained.

However, because of a positive corona test, Lusin was not able to perform with Mester at all. With his substitute partner Patricija Ionel (27), Mester also put a sovereign Charleston on the floor. Mabuse and González cheered the track and field athletes for his performance of the song “My little green cactus”, in which he appeared dressed in green at the beginning of the song from a huge flower pot.

In addition to Lusin, there were two other Corona cases at “Let’s Dance” this week: circus artist René Casselly (25) was also unable to take part in the live show, regular presenter Daniel Hartwich (43) was replaced by his colleague Jan Köppen (39) represented. Show five of the 15th season “Let’s Dance” had the motto “Made in Germany” – all the songs that were danced to that evening came from German artists.


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