RTL show: “Let’s Dance”-Aus for Bastian Bielendorfer

RTL show
“Let’s Dance”-Off for Bastian Bielendorfer

Comedian Bastian Bielendorfer and professional dancer Ekaterina Leonova are eliminated from “Let’s Dance”. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

“It was a crazy journey”: The comedian Bastian Bielendorfer could not convince in the dance show. The jury even spoke of “duck dance”.

Bastian Bielendorfer knows the shaking only too well, but in the “Let’s Dance” round of 16 it caught him: because he received too few votes from the jury and the audience, the comedian left the RTL show on Friday evening.

“It was an amazing journey,” said the 37-year-old. He was “incredibly grateful” to his dance partner, professional dancer Ekaterina Leonova. “She did an incredible job.”

Bielendorfer wasn’t able to convince the jury with his constantly faltering and rather stiff freestyle. “You did what you could,” said Jorge González. Juror Joachim Llambi reminded that the dance competition is already coming to an end. “That wasn’t enough for me for the round of 16,” he judged.

In the subsequent duel, Bielendorfer was also left behind by athlete Mathias Mester (35), according to the jury’s verdict. “A little duck dance with your finger in the socket,” said Llambi about Bielendorfer’s street dance performance. The comedian only received 13 points for each of his two dances. And although he had often been placed far behind by the jury before, this time the viewers did not save him with their calls either.

Five celebrity candidates are still in the running for next week’s quarter-finals. Season 15 finale is May 20th.


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