RTL: “Let’s Dance”: For “Knossi” it has danced itself out

“Let’s Dance”: For “Knossi” it has danced itself out

Entertainer and Twitch star Knossi did not make it to the next round on the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance”. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

No enthusiasm from the jury: Jens “Knossi” Knossalla and his dance partner cannot convince with the “Jungle Book” song “I Wanna Be Like You” this week – it’s going home.

The entertainer and Twitch star Jens “Knossi” Knossalla was eliminated in the quarterfinals of the RTL dance show “Let’s Dance”. The 36-year-old and his dance partner Isabel Edvardsson (40) were unable to collect enough points on Friday evening, neither with the help of the jury nor with the help of the audience, and thus missed out on entering the semi-finals. Knossalla, who says he had never danced before taking part in the show, accepted his departure in a good mood. “For me, this was never a competition,” he said at the end of the show.

Again, two dances were on the program for each couple. The motto of the first round this time was “melodies from film and television”. Knossalla and Edvardsson danced a quick step to the “Jungle Book” song “I Wanna Be Like You” – he dressed as a king in the monkey pen, she dressed as a tiger. However, the couple was not enthusiastic about the jury. The trio dance, a cha-cha-cha together with Kathrin Menzinger as the second professional, was a little better. With a total of 39 jury points after both dances, the couple was still well behind before the audience rating.

Four celebrities are still in the running in the semi-finals: influencer Julia Beautx, model Anna Ermakowa, ex-gymnast Philipp Boy and mentalist Timon Krause.


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