RTL: “Let’s Dance”-Aus for actress Sarah Mangione

“Let’s Dance”-Aus for actress Sarah Mangione

Presenter Sarah Mangione (M) with her professional dancer partners Vadim Garbuzov and Malika Dzumaev on the RTL show “Let’s Dance”. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Only “partially entertaining”: Sarah Mangione was eliminated from “Let’s Dance” with her performance before the final on May 20th.

Actress Sarah Mangione was eliminated in the quarterfinals of the RTL show “Let’s Dance”. Together with professional dancer Vadim Garbuzov, the 31-year-old received the fewest points from the jury. In combination with the audience votes, that wasn’t enough to make it into the semi-finals.

Mangione was largely praised for both dances. “It was fast, it was lively, it was entertaining in parts,” said juror Joachim Llambi about the Charleston to “We no speak Americano” by Yolanda Be Cool and Dcup. Llambi was only missing the Charleston effect a little. “It was a bit thin.”

At the so-called “Trio Dance”, Mangione and Garbuzov, together with professional dancer Malika Dzumaev, performed a rumba to “Don’t be so shy” by Imany. “It was much stronger than the Charleston,” said Llambi. But that wasn’t enough for the semifinals.

The strongest performances on the dance floor came from presenter Janin Ullmann in the quarter-finals, who received the maximum number of 30 points for both dances. In addition to Ullmann, presenter Amira Pocher, athlete Mathias Mester and circus artist René Casselly are also in the running. Who gets the dance crown this year will be decided in the final on May 20th. Before that, the semi-finals will take place next Friday.


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