RTL – Filip Pavlovic is king of the jungle – culture

At some point even the most beautiful trash will pass. The initially highly traded Harald Glööckler did not become it: jungle king. The “fashion designer” left the RTL jungle camp on Friday shortly before the final, visibly exhausted. The 56-year-old, self-proclaimed “moving spare parts store” received too few votes from the almost five million viewers.

Glööckler (“I’ve had my face injected for 26 years”) had also made daring decisions in the past few days. So he rejected a jungle test, in which he would have ended up in a vat full of innards, fish entrails and sap. Glööckler argued that he was a vegetarian.

“I was very happy there, I would have been happy to make it to the final,” said the “pompous” total work of art afterwards. But he was also in such poor health that he was actually happy to get out. The designer from Maulbronner was even happy to leave the jungle gap behind: “I can finally wear glitter again. That’s nice too.”

Celebrity bodyguard Peter Althof, 66, also had to pack his things on Friday, as moderator Sonja Zietlow and her colleague Daniel Hartwich told him. In the finale of the reality show “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!” Then there were only three men under 35: actor Eric Stehfest (32, “Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten”) and the two reality candidates Filip Pavlovic (27, “Bachelorette”) and Manuel Flickinger (33, “Prince Charming”).

First, second, third place

Above all, Flickinger, the main secretary of justice in civilian life, could hardly believe his luck on Friday. “Oh god, I have goosebumps without end,” he said. But on Saturday he was supposed to put his head (with a snorkel) in an aquarium for five minutes. And that was then gradually filled not only with water, but also with frogs and an eel. Stupid for him: According to him, he suffers from a not so uncommon “aquaphobia”. After a minute and a half, he then pulled the leash in panic (“I still have to work that out”) – and visibly depressed lost all his stars. “Farewell to a wonderful trip,” he said after two weeks in the jungle camp.

Filip Pavlovic had to let 24 snakes crawl over him in his exam, small crocodiles, cockroaches and ants. The ants obviously hurt him the most. But the participant of the shows “Bachelor” and “Bachelorette” endured everything. However, he also had relevant experience of how such a selection process works. About a year ago he already won a jungle replacement show from RTL. The price then was a place in the regular jungle camp. And he was able to defend it successfully on Saturday.

For everyone who has never watched the show: In the RTL jungle, the participants actually have to overcome their disgust in all the tests. For many, the limits are quickly reached when eating. But Eric Stehfest proved to be steadfast: He devoured the larvae, eyes, heart and brain of an antelope. After a glass of cow urine, the actor almost cried out in disbelief: “I ate all the shit!” That was enough for second place.

Season 15 of “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!” was caused by the corona virus in South Africa instead of in Australia as it used to be. On Sunday morning you can also read a qualified TV review of the trash show here.

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