RTL chief presenter Peter Kloeppel quits – media

RTL news presenter Peter Kloeppel quits. “The end of August is my last broadcast,” he said in a farewell interview with the star, from which the magazine published excerpts on Tuesday evening. He will be 66 years old in October: “That’s good then.” In 1992 Kloeppel had the main news for the first time RTL currently moderated. He was also editor-in-chief of RTL from 2004 to 2014. He may still do projects now and then, but he will give up his daily role in the news, Kloeppel said in the interview. In the future, he wants to live mostly in the USA in order to spend more time with his wife and daughter. His stays there recently felt “like a pleasant relaxation pool,” said Kloeppel: “There they only know me as Peter from Germany – not as a television person.”

The 66-year-old sports presenter Ulrike von der Groeben, who led news programs with Kloeppel for many years, is loud star also in TV retirement. Kloeppel said about her: “I will miss her. She is much louder and funnier than me, much more impulsive.” According to the report, the two will host RTL together for the last time in August and say goodbye after more than 4,500 broadcasts together.

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