RTL annual review: Günther Jauch looks back one more time

RTL annual review
Günther Jauch looks back one more time

Günther Jauch will host the RTL annual review “People, Images, Emotions” for the last time. Photo: Henning Kaiser / dpa

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End of an era: after 25 years, 65-year-old Günther Jauch is giving up his popular annual review format “People, Images, Emotions”. The last issue comes on Sunday.

Günther Jauch (65) is going into retrospective retirement. The TV presenter is taking the 25th anniversary of his annual show “People, Pictures, Emotions” as an opportunity to say goodbye to the long-time host of this format, RTL announced.

The show «2021! People, Images, Emotions »comes live from Hürth near Cologne on St. Nicholas Eve (Sunday, second Advent, December 5th, 8:15 pm). In it, Jauch will also review special moments from the show since 1996. As in 2020, the show lasts until after midnight, half an hour longer than in previous editions. Most recently, around 3 to 4 million people watched.

The guests announced include CDU politician Wolfgang Schäuble, tennis world champion Alexander Zverev, soccer star Lukas Podolski, permanent guest Boris Becker, triplet dad Bushido and child reporter Alexander, who made AfD politician Tino Chrupalla falter with the question of his favorite German poem .

The program will focus on the flood of the century in Germany and the takeover of power by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Nathan Evans, Zoe Wees and the Kelly Family provide music for the anniversary edition and Günther Jauch’s last broadcast.

Jauch hosted the RTL retrospective show for the first time on December 15, 1996. From 1989 to 1995 he had previously hosted the annual review «People» on ZDF. “I was just in my early 30s when Frank Elstner” gave me “the show as a present,” Jauch told RTL about his start as an annual TV show presenter. “I then presented it for eight years for ZDF and now for a quarter of a century for RTL. I think this is a good moment to say: It was nice. ” He wants to determine the end of each of his programs himself.

The end of “People, Images, Emotions” does not mean the end of “Who will be a millionaire?”, Emphasized Jauch in the RTL interview, according to the announcement: “Instead of 33 years in retrospect, I am doing“ Who will be a millionaire? ” In 2022 only for 23 years. Seen in this way, it is still a comparatively young format for me. “

He always found the encounters with the people of the year particularly moving, “whom nobody knew before and some of whom had achieved or experienced unbelievable things,” emphasizes Jauch.

About 2021 he could say which people he met with great incomprehension this year: “For me, these are all vaccine refusers who, with their stubbornness, take tens of millions of people hostage, so to speak.” Jauch was infected with Corona in the spring and had to cancel some shows. On behalf of the federal government, he advertised the vaccination against Covid-19 as a prominent face.


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