Royals: Queen celebrates her wedding anniversary for the first time after Philip’s death

Queen celebrates her wedding anniversary for the first time after Philip’s death

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at the Horse Guards Parade in 2009. Photo: Lewis Whyld / PA Wire / dpa / Archive

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Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip got married 74 years ago – they celebrated 73 wedding anniversaries together. This year, the Queen has to spend the wedding anniversary for the first time without her husband.

A good seven months after the death of her husband Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II (95) celebrated the wedding day alone for the first time.

On Saturday, it was 74 years since Elizabeth and Philip were married on November 20, 1947 in London’s Westminster Abbey. It was the longest marriage of a British monarch in history. Prince Philip died on April 9 at the age of 99.

The Queen is currently recovering on the advice of her doctors, spending a night in the hospital a month ago. Most recently, a back problem prevented her from attending public meetings. However, a few days ago she received the outgoing Chief of Staff Nick Carter for a personal audience at Windsor Castle near London. Photos showed them standing and smiling.

Charles: Queen is fine

His mother is doing well, said heir to the throne Prince Charles on a trip to the Middle East. “When you get to 95, it’s not as easy as it used to be. At 73 it’s bad enough, “said the Queen’s eldest son, referring to his own age.

November 20th has also been a negative date for the royals in recent times. Exactly two years ago, the Queen’s second eldest son, Prince Andrew, withdrew from his royal duties. The occasion was a failed interview with the BBC, in which Andrew actually wanted to clear himself of allegations of sexual abuse in connection with his former friend Jeffrey Epstein.

Since then, Andrew has barely been seen in public. A lawsuit is currently pending against him in New York: an American woman is demanding compensation for having Andrew sexually abused her as a teenager. The prince rejects the allegations.


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