Royals: Princess Anne’s husband tested positive for Corona

Sir Timothy Laurence: Princess Anne’s husband tested positive for Corona

Sir Timothy Laurence and Princess Anne

© Tolga Akmen / Picture Alliance

The Queen’s Christmas party will not take place in Sandringham this year due to the danger posed by Omikron. Now Princess Anne’s husband has also tested positive.

For the second year in a row, Queen Elizabeth II’s Christmas party looks different than the monarch is used to. If she would actually receive her loved ones in Sandringham and go to church there, the Queen will stay at Windsor Castle again this year.

Royals: Princess Anne’s husband tested positive for Corona

It will be the first Christmas in many decades without her late husband, Prince Philip. In all likelihood, she will now have to do without her daughter, Princess Anne. Because her husband, Sir Timothy Laurence, tested positive for the corona virus. According to the Daily Mail, he was in isolation at Princess Anne’s country estate, Gatcombe Park Estate in Gloucestershire.

Queen Elizabeth II had waited a long time before making her decision. A trip to Sandringham was actually planned for this year, after all, she and the rest of the family have been vaccinated. But then came Omikron and the change of plan. The Queen had made the “personal decision after careful consideration”, quoted the British news agency Press Association as saying a member of the royal family. All precautions and rules would be followed during the holidays, assured the representative. The monarch had already canceled her traditional Christmas dinner with around 50 guests last week. The danger is simply too great.

Omikron is rampant in the UK

The new variant of the virus is as rampant in Great Britain as in few other countries. Most recently, over 80,000 new cases were recorded daily. And the government is divided on the consequences after Boris Johnson proclaimed the great “Freedom Day” in the summer. Hopefully the Queen will still be able to see some of her family members.

source: “Daily Mail”


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