Roundabout in the USA causes chaos – a fact check

See in the video: Roundabout in the USA causes chaos – a fact check.

Traffic chaos in a roundabout in the US state of Kentucky.

Numerous motorists use the roundabout incorrectly and get into oncoming traffic.

The video will be posted on Reddit in early December 2021. Thousands of users like and comment on the chaotic drone recordings.

But have US drivers really not understood the principle of the roundabout? What’s up with the bizarre video?

The chaotic roundabout clip from Kentucky was originally posted on Facebook on April 24, 2021 by US construction company Walker Construction.

In the accompanying text, the company expressly states that the video should show how not to use a roundabout.

After the video spread rapidly in the social networks, employees of “Walker Construction” write on Facebook:

“During the weekend, many saw our video of the mini roundabout under construction (…) The video shows the improper use by several vehicles. However, the vehicles were in a controlled environment. That means that traffic controllers were present at all four entrances to the intersection. “

In connection with this statement, the company is releasing another video showing that motorists are using the roundabout correctly.

The case shows how easily videos can be taken out of context without their original accompanying text. A construction site supervised by traffic pilots turns into a group of haphazard drivers who are unable to use a roundabout properly.

How do we examine videos for manipulation in the editorial office? It is important to take a look at the details. The individual frames of a video often reveal whether a video has been edited. We take a close look at each picture and enlarge individual sections. Indications of a fake are, for example: lack of motion blur, unnatural shadows or cutting errors. At stern, the general rule is: Seriousness over speed. We always double-check facts and material carefully before we publish them. For this we work with the cross-editorial “Verification Team” together with RTL, NTV, RTL2 and Radio NRW.

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