Ronaldo didn’t touch the ball on Fernandes’ goal, science says so

He was already at 16, so at 37, for what looks like his last World Cup, we let you imagine how much Cristiano Ronaldo is obsessed with his statistics. Becoming the first player to score in five different World Cups in the first match against Ghana, the man with the iron abs didn’t give up on Monday evening after the new Portuguese victory against Uruguay: according to him, he had well headed the ball on the center of Bruno fernandes, and it was therefore to him that the goal had to be attributed. He had even filed an appeal to plead his case. Sorry Cristiano, but on Tuesday Fifa confirmed that was not the case. Supporting scientific evidence.

As explained in an article from ESPN appeared in the morning, the ball used during this World Cup is connected. Sensors make it possible to provide real-time data to the officials of each match, and in particular each contact made by the players. And there, in this case, there was none. “We are able to show definitively that there was no contact on Cristiano Ronaldo’s ball for the first goal of the match,” the International Federation said in a statement sent to the American media.

Ronaldo will be able to challenge, there is no room for doubt. The press release from Fifa is intended to be precise. “No external force on the ball could be measured, as shown by the absence of a ‘heartbeat’ in our measurements. The 500Hz IMU sensor inside the balloon allows us to be very precise in our analysis.

No 9th goal in the World Cup for the Portuguese captain, therefore. Maybe with a little less slick and a crazy strand that would have come off, it could have done. The high level, the details, all that.

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