Rolling Stones cancel song on US tour – culture

Controversy over one of the British rock band’s biggest hits The Rolling Stones: The rock legends do without their hit “Brown Sugar” (1971) on their current US tour – because critics believe that it is racist, sexist and an attack on black women.

The band had already indicated in mid-October that they would not play the song on stage. On their Twitter account this week in Dallas, where they were giving a concert, the musicians published the list of songs. “Brown Sugar” was missing. The song, written by lead singer Mick Jagger (78) and guitarist Keith Richards (77), revolves around slavery in the United States, hinting in the text that young black girls and women were abused for the sexual pleasure of slave owners.

Jagger posted on his own Twitter account Photos from Dallas before the concert. On one of them he stands in front of the African American Museum, which he visited – that too has been commented on and interpreted by critics. The decision to forego “Brown Sugar” during the “No Filter Tour” through the USA, however, also aroused criticism on the internet. Some users speak of censorship.

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