Roland Kaiser is 70 years old: the singer is a long way from retirement

Roland Kaiser turns 70
The singer is a long way from retirement

Roland Kaiser celebrates his 70th birthday on May 10th.

© Paul Schirnhofer

Roland Kaiser turns 70 on May 10th. Despite his age, the singer does not step down: he has big plans for 2022.

Roland Kaiser (70) is one of the biggest names in the hit business. On May 10, the singer celebrates his 70th birthday. He’s been in the limelight since the 1980s, when he broke through with the catchy tune “Santa Maria.” Kaiser has been entertaining his fans for more than 40 years with hits like “Joana”, “You To Love” or “I think it’s starting again”.

70 years isn’t the end of it: Roland Kaiser doesn’t seem to be thinking about retirement. He has big plans for 2022. He only released his album “My Playlist – Everything you want” on May 6th – a personal birthday present for himself and his fans. On it you can hear a best-of of his songs, but also first releases, remixes and duets. And that’s not all: his new studio album “Perspectives” will be released on September 2nd.

Many concerts in summer

In the summer, Roland Kaiser will be on stage at numerous concerts. In June, July and August he goes on a big tour through Germany and Austria with his “Summer Open Air 2022”. As if the singer wasn’t busy enough during the hot months, his “Kaisermania” show will also take place on six dates at the film nights on the banks of the Elbe in Dresden.

His big birthday tour will continue in October: Roland Kaiser will be on stage in numerous German cities until March 2023. How does he manage to be so fit at 70? “I keep fit by living in moderation, not going too far and of course doing sports every day,” explains Kaiser in an interview on his day of honor. In doing so, he adheres to the motto “He who rests, rusts” – “so that rusting does not occur so quickly”.

How does Roland Kaiser spend his birthday?

Apparently, retiring is out of the question for him. He has “incredible joy” in his work: “As long as I can do what I love, I will do it,” he says. Kaiser has “the feeling that this work doesn’t stress me, but rather stirs me up in a positive way”.

Roland Kaiser is spending his 70th birthday with his family: “We will be around 15 or 16 people – from children to grandchildren. Then we will spend the day somewhere in the mountains, will isolate ourselves a little and just enjoy the time together.” , says the singer.


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