Roland Hartwig: The mysterious dismissal of the Weidel confidant

Because of the secret meeting in Potsdam, Alice Weidel fired her confidant Roland Hartwig. Internal chats related to this star now show how important he is in the AfD and why he should continue to work − in the background.

The man on the phone has known the AfD from the beginning, he knows Roland Hartwig and Alice Weidel and would now like to clarify something. It is the week after the research center “Correctiv” made public a meeting between various right-wing extremists and AfD politicians, which was also attended by Roland Hartwig, a consultant for party leader Alice Weidel. “Weidel is separating from Hartwig,” the media is now reporting, because his employment contract has been terminated.

“How does she want to separate from Hartwig?” asks the AfD insider. “They’re so close, they know so much about each other. Weidel can’t get rid of Hartwig, even if she wanted to.”

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