Rod Stewart on his love of alcohol – and his first Scotch

“A bit of a rascal – like me”: Rod Stewart on his wild times and his own Scotch

Bourbon or Scotch? No question for Rod Stewart

© PR

The fact that singer Rod Stewart likes to drink to his thirst is not a rock’n’roll myth. At 78, shortly before his last tour, he brought his first whiskey onto the market. Does that still have to be the case? The star has asked.

Sir Stewart, have you had a drink today?
Not yet – I like to stay on the straight and narrow during the day and enjoy a cocktail or two once the 7pm bells ring.

They have a reputation for not being averse to alcohol. But you have your drinking under control?
Absolutely. I always have.

When you were on the road with your band “The Faces” in the 70s and 80s, you are said to have had little more on your mind than sex and booze.
We definitely had a lot of fun, but never at the expense of our work. The Music was the focus – always! This must not be forgotten. There is enough evidence for this, I think.

Even back then, he liked to have a glass in his hand: Rod Stewart and his band “The Faces” in the 70s

© Picture Alliance

You are now 78 and your last tour is pending. Would you really let it rip again?
I don’t think anyone is as wild as we were back then. No, now you have to think of it as a well-oiled machine, at least until the show is over.

And then?
Once we get backstage I have a few appletini with the band to unwind.

There are now many celebrities who have launched their own spirits, like George Clooney with his tequila or Ryan Reynolds with his gin. You just have one Scotch launched: Wolfie’s. Given your love for alcohol, why did it take so long?
Sometimes the timing is just right. However, it was an almost three-year journey to get here. I met Duncan Frew, the co-founder of Wolfie’s, through our shared love of football. A friend introduced us. We had a brilliant night with lots of whiskey talking about how to approach Wolfie’s. The next day we woke up, texted each other and said, “Let’s do it.” I don’t think a day has gone by since then where we haven’t spoken. I loved bringing our Scotch to life.

Your Scotch was created in the traditional Scottish Loch Lomond distillery. What did you have to do with the development?
Duncan and the rest of the team involved me at every stage – from labeling to bottle shape to the drink itself, which I love by the way.

Love is a big word.
It was very important to me that the Scotch worked just as well in an appletini, my favorite drink, as it does neat or over ice. It turned out wonderfully balanced, tastes of cinnamon, fresh vanilla and baked apple, my favorite flavors. And it’s a mix of different eras – just like my music!

Oh yes?
He’s a little Americana, a little Scottish, a lot of rock ‘n’ roll and a little rascal – like me. And some even say that I have a wolfish grin…

Why Scotch of all things? Because of your Scottish father?
My love for Scotland is well known, it is my second home. And there is no drink more Scottish than whiskey. My father was from Leith in Edinburgh and I know he would be proud and happy that I was getting into whiskey – Scottish rather than Irish. Hopefully one day when I’m dead someone will say, ‘Could I have a shot of Rod’s whiskey please?’ and maybe think of me.

In an interview you once said: “I drink too much, that will be my downfall.” Surely your own whiskey won’t be the nail in your coffin?
No chance, I still have a lot of life ahead of me. But I hope that when the day comes, you’ll toast me with Wolfie’s.

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